Hello everyone, we're The Pink Tarha and we're proud to be a part of this year's PEBA and by Globe Telecom Photo Contest! We'll put the girly, light factor in this competition, lol. Let's start with this:

Rain, clouds, more colors, vintage effect? What happened? Don't fret, it's still the PEBA 2011 Photo Contest. We just added a fun, very colorful side to it. Of course, it's hand-in-hand with the theme of the PEBA 2011 Blogging Contest. This is our first major project as a blog, and the first tie-up we have of PEBA Inc... please support us! Grab your cameras and shoot!
Here's the gist: All Filipinos living and residing abroad and of legal age are eligible to join this photo contest. Think of a subject/subjects that will show us where your heart is, what you consider "home." A home is not just a place, right? Capture your interpretation of the theme with the use of your cameras! We don't discriminate so you can use whatever camera you have, as long as you pour lots of creativity and mix in passion. :) Submit your photos (a maximum of 2) at starting today until August 1, 2011. Worthy judges will be taking a look at your photographs and your family and friend can support you through the Facebook pages of PEBA, The Pink Tarha, and the Globe Kababayan. Winners will be receiving electronic gadgets and more prizes from our wonderful sponsors. For more information, please read THIS. (If that doesn't work because sometimes Google Docs is choosy aka nagiinarte, haha, then you can also click here. ;)
We'll be giving away Globe TipIDD cards worth P300 each for the first 50 participants. We'll be awaiting, rather eagerly, your wonderful photos! :)
Again, don't forget to read the full mechanics and rules HERE (It's a must!). It's just four pages and font 12 so it won't be stressful to read. If you have more questions such as why there are clouds and rain in the poster above or who's that guy holding the camera or why you should join, don't hesitate to email us at or . Don't be shy now. :)
Kindly share this to your family, friends, and fellow photographers. More photos, more happiness shared. :)
Will tell my friends about this!~
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PEBA or Pinoy Expats/OFW Blog Awards, Inc is proudly honoring the best and inspiring Filipino Blogs and Bloggers abroad.