This email confirms that BELIEVE International has received your generous donation deposited May 26, 2010 to sponsor Ernesto and Caren in the Philippines. Attached is a photo and personal profile of each student sponsored.
Because BELIEVE is a 100% volunteer organization, essentially all[*] of your donation is used to directly benefit the students. And because our local volunteers in the Philippines also mentor and teach values to the students, your donation not only benefits the students but also their families, community, and nation as they graduate and become leaders with a positive influence on those around them.
We are working to extend the hope of a brighter future, through education, to those with little or no opportunity. With your generous support we are able to do this, one child at a time. We join with all of the BELIEVE scholars in the Philippines in expressing gratitude to you for helping to provide this wonderful opportunity.
Thanks for your support,
[*] Over 95% of the money we receive from donors is actually sent to the Philippines to support the education of needy students.

©2010 Pinoy Expats/OFW Blog Awards